Human Rights Policy and Business Ethics Code
CHRB A.1.1, CHRB A.1.2.a, CHRB A.1.2.b, UNGPs RF A2.4, UNGPs RF C1.1Nornickel’s human rights activities are governed by the Company’s by‑laws, specifically by the Human Rights Policy.
Human Rights Policy
In 2021, MMC Norilsk Nickel’s Human Rights Policy was updated and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors.
Purpose of the Policy — prevent and minimise human rights violations across the Group and its supply chain.
Scope of the Policy: communicated to all stakeholders and applicable to all of the Company’s production processes, including exploration, mining, smelting, refining, manufacturing of finished goods, marketing, sales and transportation of non‑ferrous and precious metals.
The Group is committed to the principles and requirements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN declarations, ILO conventions, UN Sustainable Development Goals, International Financial Corporation’s Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), OECD Guidance, GRI Standards, Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR).
Nornickel’s stakeholder engagement is aligned with ISO 26000:2010 and AA1000SES (2015) standards.
MMC Norilsk Nickel’s Human Rights Policy is supported by the following codes, programmes and policies that cover a wide range of stakeholder rights:
- Business Ethics Code;
- Equal Opportunities Programme;
- Working Conditions Policy;
- Freedom of Association Policy;
- Community Engagement Policy;
- Indigenous Peoples’ Rights PolicyThrough the Company’s official website, Nornickel’s by-laws are made available to a wide range of stakeholders at
Business Ethics Code
MMC Norilsk Nickel’s Business Ethics Code describes ethical principles, business values and professional standards binding on all Nornickel’s employees, and specifies the Company’s social commitments. It also describes and explains our values.
Our values
To help Nornickel's employees better understand the Code provisions, the Company developed a White Paper dedicated to key messages and values and what makes and keeps our team united.
In 2023, Nornickel conducted an internal group‑wide survey to analyse the current state and changes in its corporate culture, as well as the progress made as part of measures to develop it in 2016–2023, with the following findings:
- the overall corporate culture assessment indicates its strengthening and homogeneity;
- the Company’s actions have become more concerted and adapted to external changes and challenges;
- the Company’s social engagement and focus on ensuring safety, fostering collaboration and encouraging innovation plays an important role in our corporate culture;
- employee engagement, vertical communications and the dialogue are all on the rise;
- care for people, collaboration, efficiency, safety, progress, initiative become prioritised.
Driven by changing environment and business priorities, including generational shift, we need to rethink our philosophy and elements of our corporate culture.