Human rights training

Employee training is a cross‑cutting element of the human rights due diligence procedure and an important tool for building professional competencies of employees.

Human rights are integrated into training programmes on critical competencies, such as digital skills, occupational health and safety (OHS), sustainable development (ESG). In 2023, the share of training on critical competencies accounted for 50% of the overall training.In man-hours. The following competencies are identified as critical for the Company: occupational health and safety, ESG, digital proficiency. Under the Training Strategy, training programmes targeting critical competencies involve all personnel categories. In the reporting year, more than 51,000 employees completed such training, covering topics directly impacting human rights protection.

Critical competencies training indicators in 2023

Employees covered by training programmes on critical competencies people
Employees covered by training programmes on critical competencies man‑events
Training on critical competencies ‘000 man‑hours
Critical competencies training expenses RUB mln

In line with the widespread digitalisation trend, the Company enhances employees' relevant skills through webinars, seminars, and other training events utilising various software and modern technologies.

Regarding sustainable development, Nornickel offers both general ESG courses and specialised ones, covering topics such as climate, corporate governance, and more. For the purposes of environmental education, in 2023 the Company developed the Preserving Ecosystems platform,For more details, please see an interactive tool for employees and other stakeholders to learn about and engage in issues of biodiversity and ecosystems in the regions where the Company operates. The website provides access to up‑to‑date data and educational materials, structured into nine sections.

OHS upskilling of Nornickel employees is carried out through briefings and training courses, including special comprehensive programme modules factoring into the specifics of our operations. As another important OHS training tool, the Company has been implementing a project on the workplace safety culture coaching, which helps foster a safer working environment and employee behaviour and, ultimately, respect for the right to life, health and workplace safety.

Workplace safety culture coaching system

In 2022, Nornickel launched a new OHS project, the workplace safety culture coaching system. There are two training programmes currently on offer: Dynamic Risk Assessment and Behaviour‑Based Safety Audit.

During training, employees acquire skills in risk identification, including dynamic workplace assessments, while managers develop competencies in communication through behavioural audits focused on occupational safety. For these training programmes, Nornickel engages external teachers. This inclusive approach to the training process, involving all stakeholders, is aimed at reducing the incidence of injuries.

Human rights training for employees of security organisations CHRB D.3.7

To ensure group‑wide safety and physical security, 1,400 security personnel are employed daily (totalling more than 5,000 individuals). The Group relies on 20 major security service providers.

MMC Norilsk Nickel’s Human Rights Policy addresses concerns regarding the use of force and firearms.

To become licenced, all private security officers are obliged to complete professional training programmes and pass a qualification exam as established by the Russian Government. Standard training plans for private security guards cover such topics as protecting the life and health of citizens, providing first aid to accident victims, and adhering to established rules and safety measures when handling weapons. Additionally, employees of security organisations are subject to annual checks or exams, to confirm their qualifications.

Regular on‑site visits aim to inspect the activities of security organisations. In 2023, these inspections revealed no violations of human rights by employees of such organisations. Information on all incidents is communicated through the extensive network of situation rooms.

Nornickel's security units organise training sessions and drills for security officers, often in collaboration with law enforcement agencies. They also administer tests on laws and regulations pertaining to private security operations and arms in circulation.

Training sessions held for employees of security organisations
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