Indicators under the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs)

Criterion Section/comment
A — Governance of respect for human rights
A1.1 section “Commitment to human rights”
A1.2 section “List of human rights priorities”
A1.3 section “Commitment to human rights”
A2 — Embedding respect for human rights
A2.1 section “Stakeholder engagement”
A2.2 section “List of human rights priorities”
A2.3 section “Stakeholder engagement”, section “Suppliers and human rights”
A2.4 section “Human Rights Policy and Business Ethics Code”
A2.5 section “Corporate Trust Line”
B — Defining a focus of reporting
B1 section “List of human rights priorities”
B2 section “List of human rights priorities”
B3 Nornickel defines salient human rights across its footprint
B4 The Company covers all salient human rights. No rights remain unaddressed
C – Management of salient human rights issues
C1 – Specific policies
C1.1 section “Human Rights Policy and Business Ethics Code”
C2 – Stakeholder engagement
C2.1 The Company identifies 16 stakeholder groups. For more details on the Company’s approach to stakeholder engagement, please see the 2023 Sustainability Report
C2.2 section “Stakeholder engagement”
C2.3 section “Stakeholder engagement”
C3 – Assessing impacts

Social impacts, including respect for human rights, are subject to stakeholder scrutiny as follows from annual dialogues held in line with the international GRI Standards (for more details, please see the 2023 Sustainability Report).

Based on the survey results, employee engagement is mostly driven by such factors as social security due to the extensive benefits package, mutual respect within teams, workplace safety, and the freedom to openly discuss safety risks

C3.2 The list of human rights priorities remained unchanged in 2023
C4 – Integrating findings and taking actions
C4.1 section “Management of human rights risks”
C4.2 section “Management of human rights risks”
C4.3 Described in more detail in section “Nornickel’s human rights achievements in 2023”
C5 – Tracking performance
C5.1 Respect for human rights is prioritised by the Company
C6 – Remediation
C6.1 section “Remedies and grievance mechanisms”
C6.2 section “Remedies and grievance mechanisms”
C6.3 section “Remedies and grievance mechanisms”
C6.4 section “Remedies and grievance mechanisms”
C6.5 The Company’s response to issues reported to the Corporate Trust Line is described in more detail in section “Nornickel’s human rights achievements in 2023”